What happened to Freud over 100 years ago helps illustrate the
Magnitude of the COVER UP.
When Freud's research led him to the finding that hysteria, an affliction of women, was due to the trauma of having been sexually abused as children, usually by fathers, he was ostracized, intimidated and threatened with loss of status and income unless he recanted. After a couple of years, he caved to the pressure and made a 180:
He shifted the blame from fathers assaulting children to the children having fantasized, lied, or desired the sex.
He created junk theories to facilitate the cover up--infantile sexuality, penis envy, the Oedipal complex and other unscientific garbage.
This pleased his colleagues immensely, so Freud was rewarded with great power and fame.
Freud's colleague, Pierre Janet, never caved to the status quo, and he and his works were, although scientifically valid, not-so-coincidentally ignored and forgotten.
One student of Freud's, Sandor Ferenczi, did not cave either, and he paid dearly, ironically, at the hands of Freud.
Speaking Truth to Power has never been easy...
but it can and is being done by all protective moms.
The Assault on Truth
The reason everyone knows Freud's name today is precisely because he contributed so much
to the COVER UP of paternal sexual assault.
Freud's fame was his reward by the old boys for helping them keep their entitlement and their dirty little secret.
And so, fathers continued to get away with sexually assaulting their children
unhampered by the truth for another hundred years---
until brave new researchers, like Drs. Judith Herman and Lisa Hirschman,
discovered the truth and refused to participate in the COVER UP
despite being subjected to the same old intimidation from the old boys.
Trauma and Recovery
The '70's was the Beginning of the End for Predatory Paternal Entitlement.
As Dr. Jean Baker Miller said:
Women now have a voice, education, the internet, more financial independence
and valid scientific research to back them.
There is no other time in history when those crucial things have converged.
But the ole boys aren't giving up their entitlement to sexually assault their children without a major fight:
Now that they cannot so easily blame the children for imagining or desiring the sex,
their BACKLASH involves shifting the blame to the mother with a new bogus theory:
Parental Alienation Theory
The valid research which shows sexual abuse by fathers is common and extremely damaging is being dismissed, and valid investigative protocols are not being followed by Family Court officials who continue to enable predatory fathers.
Same ol' dirty tactics o cover up the same ol' dirty secret.
But we're not giving up, shutting up or going away this time!
For the first time in history we will unite, hold our ground and WE WILL WIN.
For the first time in written history
We Will Be Able to Protect our Children from Predatory Fathers.
It is now known that Freud was right the first time:
sexual abuse by fathers is very common and can lead to serious mental disorders.
Incredibly, more than 100 years later, with solid research to support the truth,
psychiatric and legal professionals are still using junk science to shift the blame from the fathers to the children
and to anyone who dares support them, mostly mothers.
The new junk science used to facilitate the COVER UP is Parental Alienation, created by pedophile Dr. Richard Gardner.
A version of that theory is what is being used in Damon's case and most other sexual abuse cases in family courts.
But Dr. Gardner has not gained status like Freud for his creation of junk science (although he did get rich off of it).
In fact, he violently killed himself after many children sued him for taking their moms away and ruining their lives.
Judges, psychologists and lawyers know PA is not valid, but they use it as a tactic to deliberately COVER UP the abuse.
Statement of Whistleblower Judge DeAnn Salcido