This page is for documenting the attempts made by Judge Alksne and Eric to send Damon to a boarding school/camp where they will use torturous methods to coerce him to recant the abuse and submit to being under the control of their abuser. This will likely happen because the attempts by Dr. Barrett were unsuccessful and it is the next step in the pattern of Silencing the Children. See: Brainwashing Damon in His Own Words
This is a common tactic used by abusers and their court enablers. Judges often get kickbacks from these programs, like the judges on the East Coast who were caught and sentenced to 28 years after kids committed suicide.
See: Kids sent to Deprogramming Camps
and Dangers of Deprogramming Camps
These are quotes by Judge Alksne at a hearing on October 2, 2009, in which she gave full custody of Evan and Ryan to Eric. Just before this hearing on September 3, 2009, at a conjoint session with Dr. Barrett, Damon said that he would kill himself if made to live with Eric, so she did not force Damon to live with him at this time.
The boys had just testified in her chambers and Damon had told her about the abuse. (This evidence was suppressed.) Alksne realized that Damon still needed more coercive persuasion before he would recant the abuse and agree to live with his abuser. The plan was to take his brothers away from him and have his guardians make him not happy at their house anymore. Then presumably he would give up and appear to willingly go live with Eric.
Alksne blatantly threatens that if Damon does not get with the program and agree to live with his abuser soon, he will be sent to a camp. The reason she specifically gives approval for an out-of-state camp is because California has stricter laws regarding how they treat children.
"...your son is psychologically impaired on this issue..." [because he "believes" he was abused]
This is the set up for the justification of sending Damon to a camp. Alksne had not properly investigated or had an evidentiary hearing on the abuse so she cannot say Damon is impaired. Alksne is not a psychologist and therefore is not allowed to make psychological diagnoses anyway.
"So, I think the other option, if things aren't getting better with Damon and his father, where he doesn't want to return [live with his identified molester], we might have to think about boarding school. It's possible that there might be a boarding school out there that could assist him with some serious counseling [i.e. torture and brainwashing] and could work together with him with that. But I think it's something that you all should think about, whether there isn't someplace in California, or out of California, that could assist in his recovery and the important reunification with his father."
This is referring to Damon saying he would kill himself if made to live with Eric:
"I want us -- or you all to be very careful about pushing Damon. This is not a case where we should rush. We have plodded through many months, and I don't want to hear anything untoward that Damon does to himself because he is suffering psychologically, and i think we can recognize that."
In other words, she will continue to use isolation from his mom and continued "counseling" to break his will. This is beyond cruel to do to a child brave enough to report abuse and try to get protection.
The ex parte motion below was Eric's attempt to send all three boys to a camp. Judge Alksne decided first to keep the case and the money in San Diego by trying "Reunification Therapy" with Dr. Breffni Barrett. When Dr. Barrett was unsuccessful, she threatened to send Damon to a camp to finish the job of silencing him.